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Order in Chaos - Close My Eyes

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Rock Letra O
136 Visualizações

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Music by Order In Chaos / Hugo Santos

Video by Dj Elfo

Master by Tino Álvarez @ Mörko Studios, Finland

Staring at the pale light

passing trough a dirty window glass

from where I used to hear

the steps and voices

of the living ghosts.

Tell me why there is no one to hold my hand.

Tell me why can't I feel a warm embrace.

Never again.

I Just close my eyes

trying to avoid despair.

I just close my eyes

searching hope I lost somewhere.

With trembling hands

holding a last piece of bread

and fallen tears

frozen by a creeping cold.

Resting in a rusty chair

facing the mirror.

My reflection haunts me

like a forgotten ghost.

Tell me why there's no one to hold my hand.

Tell me why can't I feel a warm embrace.

Never again.

I Just close my eyes

trying to avoid despair.

I just close my eyes

searching hope I lost somewhere.

I just close eyes.

I'm Dying. Don't you care?
