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Dan Riverman - Singing King

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Pop Rock Letra D Pop
88 Visualizações

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Official music video "Singing King"

This is a very special song for all of us, hope you feel it too!
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Oh Singing King you’re still here
Riding beside me trough every song
Giving me the strength to carry on
Oh Singing King you're my life’s song

Doesn’t pass a day without missing you here
But in my memories I keep you in me

How can you be gone, when we’re singing this song?
How can you be gone, when we’re singing this song?

Oh Singing King proudly I’ll follow your path
Meet you once again in a day that’ll forever last
See... your green eyes and you’re smile
Feel… the warm touch of your hands

How can you be gone, when we’re singing this song?
How can you be gone, when we’re singing this song?

How can you be gone, when we’re singing this song?
How can you be gone, I’ll keep you all in me
Yes, I'll keep you all in me

Proud to be your son
Proud to be your son
Proud to be your son

Music and lyrics by Dan Riverman
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© DAN RIVERMAN 2017 | All rights reserved

Realização, produção: Piedade Bouza, Dan Alves
Direcção de Fotografia: Piedade Bouza
Captação de imagem: Alberto Almeida, Stopmotion
Montagem e edição: Piedade Bouza, Dan Alves
Operador de edição: Alberto Almeida
Produção musical: Nuxo Espinheira

Câmara Municipal de Santo Tirso
Centro Cultural Vila das Aves
Restaurante Igreja Velha (D. Maria José)
Anjos Urbanos Cabeleireiros
Barbieri (Ricardo)
Sixty Fourth
