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Digamma - Vindicate

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Rock Letra D
54 Visualizações

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Digamma - "Vindicate" 2014
Soon on iTunes, Spotify and other digital media platforms.

Music by Digamma

Audio Production:
-Recording, Mixing, Mastering: Miguel Carvalho @ Dalma Productions

Video Production:
-Recording. Editing. Luis Mangorrinha @ Visionwear Productions

Wake me up cause i'm dying broke,
give me a fix, i'm trying to get some work done,
pretending to smile i realize that i'm just a pawn,
just a joke, we are not in charge, do i have the guts?

Push me, burn me, desecrate my mind,
my goal, my choice is now denied,
the clash in my soul, I bleed, I drain.

Things begin to fall, you feed the king, you kiss his ring.
Your dreams are gone, this time you lost,
your wings are shot, you're trapped inside yourself.

Another day, another life, a brainwash while they're in disguise,
another program to keep us quiet, manipulation is the bottom line,
An altercation in the streets, to hold us down, keep us in our seats,
a new way, new control, too busy playing our role.

