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Needle - The Absconder

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Heavy Metal Letra N
229 Visualizações

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The Absconder is the new single from the upcoming album "Fall".

Listen to my wasted voice
While it vanishes in the void
To fall in hell was my choice,
Now I can´t bare this evil

I look around in vain
All this kingdom belongs to you
With chains of fire
I march to achieve my vile desire

Once I was a minor soul
Full of sadness and sorrow
But I knew the taste of freedom
Now I feel alone in this insanity

It was a dangerous game
Trade the dirt for the vast
You never know how dark is the void
How much of you is still the same
Here after you throw away your past

This is my sacred sin and curse
To rule your hell forever
I vow to destroy my throne,
In my flesh I write
The last milestone

Music by Needle, lyrics by Bruno Cunha

Recorded by Tiago Sousa at Blank Tapes Studio
Mixed and Mastered by Daniel Cardoso at Öhme Studios, Montijo

Filmed by João Martins
Directed by Sara Gonçalves
Edited and Produced by Tiago Sousa
Filming Assistants: Paulo Ferreira, Rita Ferreira

Special thanks to Francisca Machado Guimarães
