Frankie Chavez - Whatever Happened To Our Love

108 Visualizações

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Realizador, Editor/Director, Editor: André Tentugal
Produtora/Producer: Joana Cordeiro
Assistênte de Produção/Production Assistant: David Craveiro
Make up: Maria Fontes
Actriz/Actress: Rita Camarneiro
Agradecimentos/Thanks: Maus Hábitos Porto, Clube Fenianos Porto, Margarida Sá Coutinho, Daniela Correia

“Whatever Happened To Our Love”
Escrita e Composta por/Written and Composed by Frankie Chavez
Produzido por/Produced by Frankie Chavez
Gravado nos estúdios "Ia!" e “Meifumado” por/Recorded in "Ia!" and “Meifumado” studios by Ricardo Riquier
Misturado por/Mixed by Tommaso Colliva – Toomi Labs
Masterizado/Mastered by Giovanni Versari – La Maestà

Voz, Guitarra Elétrica /Voice, Electric Guitar: Frankie Chavez
Bateria/Drums: Fred Ferreira
Baixo/Bass: Donovan Bettencourt
Orgão/Organ: Paulo Borges
Teclados/Keyboards: Rui Maia

Music video by Frankie Chavez performing Whatever Happened To Our Love. (C) 2017 Search Records, under exclusive license to Universal Music Portugal, S.A

Indie Letra F Folk Blues