Directed by Raquel Claudino & Filippo Maria.
Edited by Giorgio Gremigni
©Pernas de Alicate 2013
Drums: Carlos Bb (Riding Pânico, Men Eater)
Guitars: Miguel Nicolau (Memória de Peixe)
Voice: Alex Klimovitsky (Youthless)
Keyboards: Duarte Ornelas (Duro)
Percussions: Xico Fernandes
(by alex Klimovitsky)
Why can't we win just this time
Why can't we win this one
Let it go, cause i'm in it's tow,
In the dark, empty field
Hunting for life, in the cold, let it go,
Let it fall
But it takes its time, it crawls up my arm
Slowly, and scrapes inside,
I breathe this darkness is me,
And fall for love,
'cause i've got this beating heart and
I screw tight my mind, so things are not forgotten
All i know, is walking towards me
So i'll let go, and walk right towards it
Why can't we win just this time
Why can't we win this one
PERNAS DE ALICATE is a collaborative project made of Music and Image, coordinated by Carlos BB and Sara Feio.
More info here: