Mourah - Streams

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Following electro-pop orientated track "Icarus 101", "Streams" is the second single taken from the album Kardia ( On a hypnotizing breakbeat signature and a soulful vocal performance, director Linda Cavaliero (Dust&Water) delivers a mesmerizing, poetical and sensual underwater trip. Streams is about the cycle of love and life, the beauty of elements. It is a tribute to the beauty of Woman.

If you wish to support the artists work please download the single here:

Thanks & enjoy!


Like dew turning into streams
Streams merging into rivers
Then into converging seas
Into unexplored oceans
Where redheaded seasoned mermaids
Riding unbroken seahorses
Come and take me away,

All my thoughts converge to you
The tides take me back to you.
All my thoughts converge to home
The tides take me back to the shore.

It’s a wild, wild ocean
Now condensed into crystalline droplets.
Dancing droplets up in ethereal skies
Becoming rain onto earth.

All my love pours down on you
My inner self converge to you
Hot red streams rush to my heart
Back and forth so loud so hard.

All my love
All my thoughts
All my love

Directed by Linda Cavaliero
Music & Lyrics by Mourah
© Mole / Listening Pearls (2015)

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