Last Piss Before Death - Devil's Road

117 Visualizações

2020 © Ⓟ Last Piss Before Death
#lastpissbeforedeath #lpbd

Born and raised in Portugal, the four band members that make up Last Piss Before Death, share the same passion for Chaos and Metal.

Devil's Road is the band's first single, an ode to “sex, drugs and rock'n roll”. The video that accompanies the song, intends to be a tribute to Lisbon's clubs associated with underground culture, some of which closed recently.

Devil's Road will be available on all digital platforms starting today (October 30th), as Halloween's celebration!
Nascidos e criados em Portugal, os quatro elementos que formam os Last Piss Before Death, partilham a mesma paixão pelo Caos e pelo Metal.

Devil's Road, o primeiro single da banda, é uma ode ao “sex, drugs and rock'n roll”. O video que acompanha o tema pretende ser uma homenagem aos espaços Lisboetas associados à cultura underground, sendo que alguns fecharam portas recentemente.

Devil's Road estará disponivel em todas as plataformas digitais a partir do próximo dia 30 de Outubro em jeito de festejo do Halloween!

Strike, strike, strike, strike!
Whore wolves are back in town,
straight through the limit,
God damn it,
all witches come along,
straight through the limit,
God damn it!
Strike, strike, strike, strike!
Meet the Devil on the road to Hell
Are you ready to feel the strike,
Are you ready to feel the bite,
Are you ready to feel the womb,
I say: God damn it!
I Am Ready, Strike
I Am a Ready, Bite, God damn!
This is the devil's road to Hell!!
Are you ready to taste the dark, are you ready to feel the bite?
I have to become, I have to belong, I have to get up
I have to destroy
Chaos is real! Get on the front line!

Heavy Metal Letra L