John Wolf - Tomorrow Might Be Gone

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John Wolf's First Single is Out!
"Tomorrow Might Be Gone" takes you on a journey through the life of Bartolomeu Portuguese, the notorious pirate from Portugal who operated during the 16th century. He was known for his ruthless tactics and his attacks on Spanish ships in the Caribbean. The details surrounding Bartolomeu Portuguese's death are unclear and there are no definitive historical records to confirm how he died, however legend says that he shipwrecked on a forsaken island in the Caribbean where he might have hid the remaining of his treasure.

"Tomorrow Might Be Gone" é uma viagem através da vida de Bartolomeu Português, o notável pirata portugês que operou durante o século XVI. Era conhecido por suas táticas impiedosas e ataques a navios espanhóis nas Caraíbas. Os detalhes em torno da morte de Bartolomeu Português são incertos e não há registos históricos definitivos para confirmar como morreu, no entanto, a lenda diz que naufragou numa ilha abandonada nas Caraíbas, onde poderá ter escondido o que sobrou do seu tesouro.


Tonight we dance by the fire
With crimson hands of dirt and blood
Tonight we dance with desire
Cause tomorrow might be gone
Singing with me these lonesome lads
Triumph never felt so wrong
The dead parade in sleepy bags
May you never sleep alone
Cause Tomorrow might be gone

You may listen to my story
In the comforts of your home
Have you found your love and glory
Cause tomorrow might be gone
Drink with me another round
Sing with me this ancient song
Take your feet right off the ground
May you never walk alone
Cause tomorrow might be gone

In every jolly sailor's heart there's sorrow
Infinite drops of salted gold
Live for today forget tomorrow
Cause tomorrow might be gone
The rum in our belly's boiling steam
Surrender yourself there's no place to go
The world feels like an empty dream
May you never dream alone
Cause tomorrow might be gone

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