Levi - Communication Blues

101 Visualizações

Primeiro single do disco If You Can't Beat Them (2013)
First single from the album If You Can't Beat Them (2013)

Realizado por | Directed by
Levi Martins & Maria Mascarenhas


I mean no offence
But most of us are animals
We don't communicate
There's no exchange

Words collide mid-air
And crash into the ground
Nothing left but fragments
There's no exchange

I'd rather sit here in the low light
And watch the day go by
It's exhausting to keep trying
There's no exchange

At the end of the day
What did we earn?
Numbers add up to nothing
There's no exchange

Back then I was open
And I felt everything
The wall is reconstructed
There's no exchange

I wish I knew a place
Where I could be myself
Here I'm only half
There's no exchange

That line was not a joke
I really meant what I said
But now we are in chains
There's no exchange

Economy keeps us tethered
There's nothing we can do
But as long as we're together...

If You Can't Beat Them (2013)

Pop Blues Letra L