After the end of his engagement, Rick finds himself trapped in an emotional purgatory.
The one he thought that would be the woman of his life had destroyed everything, stabbing him in the back with a dirty knife…
While grieving, he is divided between the love he has for something stuck in the past and the will of reinventing himself and movin’On…
The shame of being betrayed makes his ego bleed, and paranoia blurres his reality with suicidal thoughts that come along in the shape of a faceless undertaker who comes to bury him. This idea seduces him but it would surely cause the death of his eighty-year-old mother. She wouldn’t endure such decision…
He must let all these worms devour his flesh to the bone...
He must die and resurrect...
He must travel the Highway of Regret…
Production - RAGING PLANET
Direction, Story and Music - MONTALVOR
Art Direction - JORGE COELHO
Animation - DANI SANTOS