Buraka Som Sistema - Tira o Pé

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This video is our tribute to everyone who over the past 6 years has made our shows such a special experience. Thank you! We're just getting started!!! Out now on Beatport! - http://www.beatport.com/release/tira-o-pe/901276

Video directed by Joao Pedro Moreira and Buraka Som Sistema

Song at 03'50'':
Kelis - 'Milkshake' (Munchi's thanks to Subeena Bootleg Kuduro Remix)

Buraka keep the Komba spirit alive and well with 'Tira o Pe' - the hedonistic club anthem has been inspiring dancefloor riots ever since the album dropped on the night of Halloween. If Buraka's sophomore album was a celebration of life, this new single is the focal point of that energy, aimed straight at the dancefloor. Consistently eliciting such a fierce and riotous response during the band's live shows throughout Europe and the Americas, the choice to release this song at the 3rd album single was one that was made by the fans.

The single is out on Beatport and features remixes from JWLS, Jay Fay and Roby Howler along with instrumental and acapella versions. On May 21st will hit every other digital store.

Letra B Pop