Hugo Vasco Reis - Imago

22 Visualizações

"Imago" is a composition by Hugo Vasco Reis, which is included on his Sonic Figures Project.

Hugo Vasco Reis . Composition and Electronics
Trevor McTait . Viola

Audio and Video recording at:
Feedback Constellations 2024, ZHdK (Zurich, Switzerland)

___ Sonic Figures Project ___

"Sonic Figures Project" is a project by Hugo Vasco Reis, whose premise consists of listening to and mediating silent sonic environments, involving experimentation, reflection, collaboration and creation. Based on field recordings of different political, economic, social, aesthetic and ethical contexts, a conception of sounds present in the surrounding environment is presented, not always listened to, due to the limitations of our hearing. The project reflects on perception and memory, inciting a new sonic awareness of the “absent” reality in which we all live. Following an approach that includes metaphorical associations, a sonic horizon of intention, speculation and subjectivity is projected, where a drop of water can be more audible than a waterfall. In the work "Imago", field recording are coming from the wind turbines (Poença-a-Nova, Portugal), tapestries (Oleiros, Portugal) and electromagnetic sounds and vibrations in metal structures from HBF Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland).

Letra H Experimental Instrumental